Key people
Everyone is valuable at St. Pauls, and each person brings with them their own gifts, talents and abilities.
A large number of people contribute to the day to day running of the church and ensure the success of the parish and its many activities, ministry and mission. We do have a Mission Action Plan (MAP).
Below are those who serve on the Parochial Church Council (PCC) and also those who perform other roles within the church.
What is the Parochial Church Council – PCC?
The PCC is the executive committee of the Church of England parish and consists of clergy and churchwardens of the parish, together with representatives of the laity. Legally the council is responsible for the financial affairs of the church and the maintenance of its assets such as churches and church halls and for promoting the mission of the church.
PCC Members
Mike Read | Team Rector |
Revd Liz Rowles | Team Vicar |
Eleanor Doyle | Church Warden, PCC Secretary, Ex Officio PCC Member, Lay Chair |
Ann Worthington | Verger, PCC Member, Standing Committee |
Penny Sweasey | Treasurer, Standing Committee |
David Bradshaw | Gift Aid Secretary |
Judith MCGovern | PCC Minutes, Deanery Synod and Ex Officio PCC member, Standing Committee |
Alan Benvie | Deanery Synod, Ex Officio PCC Member |
Julian Hardstone | PCC Member |
Margaret Hardstone | PCC Member |
Other Church Roles
Hall Bookings | Julia Adamson |
Welcomers on Sidespersons duty |
Ann Sawer, Patrick Doyle, Colin Ellis, Andrew Masters, Ann Worthington, Beryl Divine, Kathryn Chesworth, Alan Benvie, June Rolph, Penny Sweasey |
Electoral Role Officer | Kathryn Chesworth |
Baptism Preparation Team | Rev Liz Rowles |
Saturday Walking Group | Geoff Kay |
Parish Magazine | Virginia Lloyd |
Safeguarding (PSO) | Jackie Reed |
Flowers | Ann Worthington |
Ministry Rota | Eleanor Doyle |
Coffee Rota | Eleanor Doyle |
Website | David Bradshaw (assisted by Ann Worthington) |
Concerts Co-ordinator | David Bradshaw |
Playgroup |
Revd Liz Rowles assisted by Ann Sawer, Beryl Divine, Barbara Gregson Christine Grainger and Virginia Lloyd (Music) |
Choir |
Virginia Lloyd, Judith McGovern, David Bradshaw, David Griffiths, Julian Hardstone, Margaret Hardstone, Eleanor Doyle, Sue Allcock, |
Lay assistants Worship leaders
Lay assistants and Worship leaders play a vital role at St Pauls to fulfil our mission in trying to involve everybody into all styles of worship and into the ministry as a whole.
Worship Leaders
Andrew Masters, Margaret Hardstone, Eleanor Doyle.