In baptism, we thank God for his gift of life and publicly acknowledge his love. In the Anglican Church it is common to baptise young children; this is sometimes known as christening.
Baptism is a 'sacrament' (holy ritual to symbolise grace) in the Christian tradition that is traced back to Jesus himself being baptised in the river Jordan.
There’s lots of discussion on 'how many godparents am I allowed?', and this can vary for each family. Three is a number we start with, and two are normally the same sex as the child. A Godparent is someone who will teach the child Christian ways and it is better if they come to church on a regular basis. The one stipulation is that all candidates for Godparents have been baptised themselves.
We want you and your family and friends to feel welcome in church and so we encourage you to come to church first to explore the building, to meet the clergy and to find out more about Baptism.
When you contact us, we will arrange a suitable time to visit you at home in order to make the arrangements for the service. As well as taking practical details when we visit you at home, We will begin by showing you a short DVD explaining the nature and purpose of Christian Baptism and the Church’s teaching.
The Baptism will be arranged by the clergy. You and your family and Godparents will be given reserved pews at the front of the church.
Sometimes you might feel conscious that your baby or child is noisy or restless during worship and so we are planning children friendly services, centred around the children, playing and partying!
If you would like to know more please give me a ring.
Rev’d Liz Rowles Tel: 0161 964 3928 or 07763 188149