There are so many different ways that you could consider helping St. Paul’s Church to continue as a focal point in Heaton Moor and any support that you can offer would be very much appreciated.
Established in 1876, over 135 years ago, the church is a beautiful stone building with many fine examples of stained glass; a setting of significance for baptisms, weddings and funerals. The tower is an iconic landmark of Heaton Moor. We need the active support of people who live or work in the Heatons to make sure that it and the church remains so!
In these present times of dwindling and ageing congregations at long established churches, wouldn’t it be a tragedy for the community if a church of the stature of St.Paul’s Church of England failed, eventually, to continue?
Our volunteers gain a great deal of satisfaction from helping the church to move forward and they also make many new friends in the process.
You do not need to be an active church goer to offer support, so please consider any of the following options where you may feel able to assist.
General Help:
You could make a real difference!
Our toddler group "Little Fishes" is thriving but needs more helpers. Can you help with our Toddler group, e.g. by serving refreshments once a month on Thursday morning during term time, 9.30-11.15am?
Refreshments after our Sunday service are now held in church and we need more helpers to join our rota to serve coffee and tea after our Sunday Morning Service. This is an important social time for our church community, and you can make a difference by joining the rota every six weeks.
Do you enjoy gardening?
Would you be happy to help tidy the church garden whenever you can? (We do have a contractor to maintain the lawns!)
Occasional weeding will certainly make a difference.
If you like fixing things, we can list a few jobs on which to let you loose!
We hold several special events during the year including:
a Christmas Fair, summer Strawberry Tea Party on the church lawn and a Harvest festival lunch. Come and join us and if you can give extra help as well, that will be very much appreciated!
Please contact either our Churchwarden: Eleanor Doyle 07942 490524 or our assistant Churchwarden Ann Worthington 07831 747416 for offers of help relating to any of the above.
Flower Arranging
Ann Worthington and Ann Marshall ensure that the altar flowers are maintained on a regular basis.
We are very keen to enlist all the help we can get for Festivals and weddings. We all get together to decorate the church. This is found to be a most rewarding job and the fellowship is so much enjoyed.
New recruits would be made most welcome. (All flowers etc are funded by the church)
Contact Ann Worthington - 07831 747416
Church Choir
Do you enjoy singing? Could you be tempted to sing in a church choir?
St. Paul’s Church Choir is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music and has maintained a strong choral tradition over the years, encouraged by the expert playing of our fine pipe organ by successive organists. We have an SATB robed choir which regularly sings at services including Choral Evensong on the second Sunday of the month. In addition we sing at special services throughout the year including the Nine Lessons and Carols Service at Christmas.
Rehearsals are on a FRIDAY from 8.00 to 9.30pm
Occasional singers for special services would be just as welcome.
For further details or to arrange to attend a rehearsal, contact David Bradshaw (choir member) – 0161 258 2698
Church Organist
Are you a musician who has longed for an opportunity to play our splendid organ?
Would you be prepared to familiarise yourself with our service requirements in order to help us?
Alternatively, do you know anyone who might be interested?
We would be delighted to hear from you.
Contact Liz Rowles 07763 188149
Electoral Roll/Donations/Gift Aid/Legacies
If you would like to be added to the Electoral Roll for St. Paul's Church, please Download E R which contains the rquired form + relevant notes. Please print (Ctrl/P) and complete the form, date and sign it. Then either scan and email the form to me - or put the completed form in one of the two boxes on the tables just inside the front and rear entrances to the church. Thank you.
Kathryn Chesworth - Electoral Roll Officer. 0161 432 1719
I suppose it goes without saying that we, as a church, are always looking for ways to increase our income, and one of the most important of these is to encourage supporters to make a regular donation in the form of a standing order. A few pounds a month from each additional sympathiser who would be really saddened to see St. Paul’s Church of England fade away and have to close could make a significant difference to our financial position, which is far from comfortable at present. We face ever increasing costs to maintain the fabric of the church.
In addition, those choosing to leave us a small Legacy from their estate in their wills would be a further answer to our prayers.
If you would like to set up a Standing Order in favour of St Paul’s Church, please Download S.O Print the enlarged form displayed (Ctrl/p) and return your completed signed form to the address shown. Please note that we need to allocate a reference ID number before forwarding the order to your bank on your behalf.
If you bank online, you can set up a standing order yourself using the following details:
Account Name: St. Paul's PCC, Account No: 87726491, Sort Code: 010393. Please complete the 'Reference' option with your name. Your donation will arrive in our account via BACS transfer.
Please also complete and sign the Gift Aid form if you are a taxpayer. Click Download Gift Aid Print the enlarged form displayed (Ctrl/p) and return your completed signed form to the address shown. This will enable each pound of your donation to become, at present, £1.25 in our favour.
We will be most grateful for your support.
If you attend services and are a taxpayer, you may prefer to make a regular donation via a Gift Aid envelope to the collection plate, rather than a standing order. If so, please complete just the Gift Aid form and you will then be provided with a supply of envelopes which display your allocated ID number (no name is displayed). This will enable us to summarise and claim back the tax for the church that you have already paid on these contributions.
If you are not a taxpayer then any monies that you place in the service collection plate will be most welcome and these can be pre-sealed into one of the yellow collection envelopes, if preferred, which are available at the entrance and the back of the church.
Contact Church Treasurer Penny Sweasey
Maintenance Work
The Church Fabric Working Group undertakes the management of the buildings, its furnishings, fittings and decoration, and of the surrounding grounds. All the larger tasks require consultation with the Diocesan Office and frequently require the involvement of their architects, professional advisers and contractors, as well as Stockport MBC. This requires the PCC to arrange the consultations and provide access.
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There are also many smaller 'everyday' maintenance jobs that can be undertaken without formalities, to repair minor breakages and dilapidations. These can include unblocking of gutters and drains, pruning of bushes, replacement of light bulbs and tubes, repairs to chairs, maintenance of locks and similar jobs. I normally use my own tools and provide small amounts of consumables, while the purchase of larger quantities of materials and replacement parts will be reimbursed by the PCC. We welcome DIYers and anyone 'handy' with the use of tools. Equally we welcome anyone happy to give their labour to help with the strenuous or the mundane.
If you would like to share your energy or skills with other parishioners, or feel you would enjoy working in these unfamiliar premises, do please get in touch and allow us to 'volunteer' you for something, or ask how we can best use your abilities.
Contact Liz Rowles 07763 188149
Alternative contact details re any of the above activities can be found on our ‘Contact Us’ page.